Welcome to the Mountains and Plains Thriving Communities Collaborative’s CIC site. MaPTCC is an EPA Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center. MaPTCC is dedicated to serving communities and organizations throughout North and South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and Utah. Underserved urban, Tribal and rural populations bear the brunt of climate change and environmental damage. Communities know what they need, but they often don’t have access to the opportunities or investments to make those solutions possible.
Our mission is to build the capacity of individuals and organizations to succeed in grant application and management processes and to participate and engage effectively in environmental and energy justice decision-making. You can learn more about our partners and approach here.
This CIC channel is the shared workspace for all of MaPTCC’s partners and participants. Here you can submit an inquiry and request technical assistance, join the project as a listed technical assistance provider, and access and share resources.
We would love to hear from you! To get in touch with us at MaPTCC, please contact R8tctac@montana.edu or call (406) 994-6904.
MaPTCC is a collaboration among multiple entities with extensive experience working with rural, urban and indigenous populations throughout each of the six states and Native American reservations in Region 8. Through this highly collaborative and geographically-distributed approach, MaPTCC brings an unparalleled ability to reach underserved and overburdened communities, while also coordinating coalition-building among them and lifting up community-based solutions.
Read more about our partnership here.
The Mountains and Plains Thriving Communities Collaborative, MaPTCC, is led by Montana State University in partnership with the Alliance for Tribal Clean Energy, the Center for Environmental Justice at Colorado State University, the Center for Social Creativity, and land grant institutions and USDA Extension networks including Utah State University and University of Wyoming. Together with many other partners throughout the region, we provide coordination of:
Partnership & Network Coordination:
Dedicated staff to seek and curate TA resources
Develop and support regional TA provider network
Onboard and engage specialist TA providers
Strategy and support for partnerships to leverage impact and access
Community Resources & Engagement:
Dedicated staff in 4 states and 1 indigenous areas specialist
Build relationships, engage participants
Planning, facilitation, administrative support as appropriate
Participant support and translation services at events
Curate and support access in CIC
Readiness assessments and grant resource portfolios
Mentorship and support for navigators
Coordination and referrals to specialists
Funding & Organizational Development Training:
In-person modular/adaptable training in each of 6 states
Prospecting and finding funding; tailoring projects to funder priorities; project management
systems; defining and measuring progress; working with program officers; project implementation; leadership; and organizational sustainability
Train-the-trainer model focused on building network of community navigators
Ongoing mentoring
Support for Clean Energy & EJ Projects and Action:
MaPTCC Community Webinar Series
Referrals to specialists and support during engagement
EPA-specific TA (Environmental Protection Network)
Clean energy and energy sovereignty TA (Alliance for Tribal Clean Energy)
Custom workshops
Facilitate coalition-building and partnerships among participants
Curate and source useful documents and educational materials
Think of MaPTCC as the place to bring your community’s environmental justice and energy justice needs and offer your services!
If you are a technology provider looking to identify interested communities advancing related projects, we help you amplify federal opportunities for subsidies (e.g., the IRA tax credits) directly to communities, and increase the visibility of your solutions and perspective on deployment strategies and tools.
SIGNUPLearn more about the role of technology and deployment providers