Sustainable Finance Hub

Join now to become an early member of this important network, access technical resources and convenings, and shape the design of the Appalachian Sustainable Finance Hub.

Sign up as a Provider

Your organization is able to contribute resources to advance sustainable infrastructure project development: investors, labor and workforce organizations, economic developers, content experts, etc.

Sign up as a Project Sponsor

Your organization is a potential owner or facilitator of sustainable infrastructure projects: local governments; large institutions such as school districts, universities or hospitals; local coordinating agencies overseeing or coordinating projects with partner organizations.

The Appalachian Sustainable Finance Hub

Rapidly growing investment in sustainable civic infrastructure projects is a critical opportunity for communities across the U.S. Through strategic partnerships, financial innovation and capacity building, the Appalachian Sustainable Finance Hub will help communities generate and retain quality jobs, and build a diversified, resilient and clean economy.  

The Hub will focus its efforts in the Appalachian counties of Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.

The Hub is now undertaking a one-year planning project to design and implement a centralized platform to facilitate the planning and funding of sustainable infrastructure projects. By working with local leaders, industry partners, labor, and investors, it will prepare communities to secure millions in grants and project funding.  

login to your existing account

Do you provide technology solutions?

If you are a technology provider looking to identify interested communities advancing related projects, we help you amplify federal opportunities for subsidies (e.g., the IRA tax credits) directly to communities, and increase the visibility of your solutions and perspective on deployment strategies and tools.

SIGNUPLearn more about the role of technology and deployment providers